This is a small entry which got me and Abhijith confused. We started Apache with Passenger installed as a module after configuring an app from a railscasts episode. Added the entry using the Passenger Pane. But it showed an access denied. Apache was running as a separate user. I gave permissions for the application directory, but still the result was the same. Abhijat then added permissions to the parent directory as well and the applicaion started running. Dont knwo why Apache needs the permissions for the parent directory as well.
Its written here ...
Oh sure you do.
Remember doing a "chmod a+r /home/dinesh/" before doing "chmod a+r /home/dinesh/public_html/" in Andromeda?
The question is why ?
Just because : if you do not have permission to access '/a', you can NOT access '/a/b' even if you have permission for 'b'.
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