Thursday, December 18, 2008

Body Art

I always wanted a tattoo on my body. Not necessarily in a place which is viewable, but still on my body. I thought long and hard on what to have temporarily drawn. Long idealistic sentences, figures of angels and devils, or even some ones name. Then it struck me to have some thing techi. A barcode was the first thing that came into mind. Now I was searching for a suitable image. Some thing which also had a message. This image, I thought, was awesome.

We (I, KD, Srinath and Gitesh) went to GIP one saturday to check out this place where tattoos were done. They turned out to be temporary ones but the properitor also did permanent ones. So on sunday we went to sector 44 were he lived and got it made after two and a half hours of constant suffering. The pain was bearable but to sit on a chair with no shirt on while he tattooed it on my back (lower neck) in the cold weather was tough. It pained even after it was done and now it has started peeling. The layer starts to peel but the skin will still have the drawn picture.

It is awesome now.

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